Member of the week- Greg Akehurst

In case you are wondering who Greg is, he is an original Spartan long before SPARTA was conceived, Greg was one of coach DJ’s first clients as he was learning the ropes back in ancient times.. and today he is our member of the week!!

1. How many times are you training weekly?
I’m trying to make 3 Bootcamp sessions a week + 2 runs.

2. What’s the earliest time you can make the sessions?
Mornings are tough with kids having early swim squads, so the 10am session is probably earliest I can make it.

3. How are you finding our programmes (bootcamp, SPARTA,
​Booty camp, Real Bootcamp​)? Hard, easy?
I mostly do Bootcamp, and the sessions are really tough. In reality the sessions are as tough as you make them. I find nothing is “easy”, and also not sure why you would bother if it was?

4. What would you like to do more?
I really like the variety at Bootcamp. At the moment, with a dodgy shoulder, barbells above my head are tough, but once that is sorted, more Olympic movements would be good for me.

5. Preference of coaches.
They are all good.

6. Are you getting the results that you are after? Who do you hold accountable ?
The results are directly tied to what you are prepared to do. So, I get out what I put in – at the moment, I am getting a lot out of it. Obviously, I am accountable only to me.
Cheers guys!


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