The Winner Of The First 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge is

Liane D12 Week Weight Loss Challenge Winner- Liane!! (Batch 1 contestants)

BIG UPS to Liane David who has won the First 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge that commenced in April.
What a journey… and what an outcome. A lot of hard work, a change in diet, and commitment to training has seen the transformation of the old Liane to the healthy new her you see today.

Liane has said that “i will keep going on this journey as i like what i see”…
Great words Liane.

This Prize was not given solely based on amount of weight lost, it was judged on adherence to the programme, attendance and overall attitude.
WELL DONE!!…/12-week-weight-loss-chal…

Our challengers have gotten off to a brilliant start so far, we really look forward to your transformations!!

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Whether you are a regular traveller or on to your next big trip, make sure you get in touch with Loyal Holidays. Our business partner, provides everything you need, from accomodation, long/short cruises, tours, flights to adventure tourism.

Loyal Holidays will sought out the best deal for you, just mention that you are from Priorityfitness/ Little Ninja.

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SPARTABox Starting!! We will be working the pads, boxing drills, fun strength and conditioning routines for everyone.
Super motivational class, join in with your mates, bring the kids.
For more information please contact us or see schedule here
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Got your Uniform and Little Ninja T shirt yet? Order yours today

Need Some Attention??

– Hard making it to scheduled classes?
– Want to work on your form with a professional?
– Want to take your training to the next level?
– Like to spend an hour just working on the areas you need?

Simple solution- book in your first Personal training session for just $60

Many times to suit, invest in yourself, because no one else will!!

Enquiries to –
45 Woodside Ave

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Little NInja/ Karate Kids Term 3- Pre Registration!! who want to pre register for term 3 ( starting July 23rd) you can go online to select your options now


Register NOW
  • Do you have kids that need to get active?
  • Are you looking for small classes of less than 10 students?
  • Do you want your children to learn martial arts with one of NZ’s best?

“Every kid wants to be a Ninja Turtle!”

Session duration up to 1 hour in a vibrant environment, the instructor has 20 plus years of experience. Kids from 4-year s and up would greatly benefit from learning this martial art, develope discipline from a young age. First lesson just $16. Please contact us for the latest class times, the classes are run throughout the year including school holiday periods.

What is chiropractic?

Are you suffering from chronic fatique? stress related injuries? Sore back/ shoulders?
Give Revolution chiropractic a call to book in for your initial consultation.
They have taken care of many of our athletes and well worth the check up! You want to be running at the top of your game!


09 418 371846 Lake Road

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Just DO It, Not Just Talk About It


This is an ideal programme for all Newbies.
An one-off payment of just $99!
+ 1 on 1 Introduction Session (Key Movements & Goal Setting)
+ 1st Week UNLIMITED Membership Included
+ 7-day Nutritional Kick-start Plan
+ Free piece of SPARTAFIT Merchandise
+ Discounted "No LIMIT" membership after